Saatchi & Saatchi doubles its Gold Lions in Cannes Lions second round

Saatchi & Saatchi doubles its Gold Lions in Cannes Lions second round

Cannes Lions has introduced the winners for the Creative Data Lions, Creative Strategy Lions, Direct Lions, Media Lions, PR Lions, and Social & Influencer Lions.In this round, 12 Australian and New Zealand corporations gained a complete of 16 Lions throughout the classes.Yesterday, the winners for the Design Lions, Outdoor Lions, Print & Publishing Lions, Health & Wellness Lions and Pharma Lions had been introduced.The Donation Dollar marketing campaign for the Royal Australian MintADVERTISEMENT
Saatchi & Saatchi Melbourne gained a Gold Lion in Direct Lions in the class Direct Channels – Use of Ambient Media: Small Scale for its ‘Donation Dollar’ for the Royal Australian Mint, bringing the full of Gold Lions for the marketing campaign as much as two. For the identical marketing campaign, the company additionally gained a Silver Lion in Direct: Sectors – Not-for-profit/ Charity/Government and a Bronze Lion in PR Techniques: Launch/Re-Launch.Herd MSL Sydney additionally gained a Silver Lion for its work on the ‘Donation Dollar’ marketing campaign, in the PR Lions class Culture & Context: Single-market Campaign.Clemenger BBDO Melbourne gained a Bronze Lion in Direct: Sectors – Food & Drink for the ‘VB Solar’ marketing campaign for Carlton & United Breweries. For the identical marketing campaign, the company additionally gained a Bronze Lion in PR: Sector: Food & Drink.CHE Proximity gained a Silver Lion in the Media Lions in the class Media: Sectors – Consumer Services/ Business to Business for the ‘Sloways’ marketing campaign for IAG.Also in Media Lions, Brother & Co Brisbane gained a Bronze Lion in Channels: Use of Audio Platforms for its “Slow Down Songs” for the Australian Road Safety Foundation.VMLY&R Melbourne gained a Bronze Lion in Media Lions for its ‘A Future Without Change’ marketing campaign for Monash University, in Channels: Use of Ambient Media: Large Scale, on high of the Gold Lion introduced yesterday in Design for a similar marketing campaign.Host/Havas Sydney, in Social & Influencer Lions, gained a Bronze Lion in Social Insights & Engagement: Real-Time Response for the ‘Bring on Winter’ marketing campaign for Air New Zealand.Also in Social & Influencer Lions, The Monkeys gained a Bronze Lion for the ‘When Will She Be Right?’ marketing campaign for UN Women Australia, in Social Content Marketing: Social Film.For New Zealand, DDB New Zealand Auckland and Mango Auckland gained a Gold Lion in the PR Lions in the class PR: Sectors: Not-for-profit/ Charity/ Government for ‘Sperm Positive: The World’s First HIV Positive Sperm Bank’, for New Zealand Aids Foundation, Body Positive Inc., and Positive Women Inc. The similar marketing campaign additionally gained a Silver Lion in the PR Lions, in the class Culture & Context: Breakthrough on a Budget, and a PR Bronze Lion in Culture & Context: Corporate Purpose & Social Responsibility.In Social & Influencer Lions, Special Auckland gained a Silver Lion for the ‘Good Morning World’ marketing campaign for Tourism NZ in Social Content Marketing: Social Film Series.Clemenger BBDO Wellington gained a Bronze Lion in Social Content Marketing: Co-Creation & User Generated Content for ‘The Unsaid’ marketing campaign for Waka Kotahi – NZ Transport Agency.More winners are to be introduced over the following couple of days.

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About the Author: Amanda