Magnito Digital bags 10 awards at Digital Marketing Award 2021

Magnito Digital bags 10 awards at Digital Marketing Award 2021

TBS Report

25 December, 2021, 11:00 am

Last modified: 25 December, 2021, 11:04 am

Magnito Digital, a number one digital advertising company, has been honoured with 10 awards at the fifth Digital Marketing Award 2021. 
From a spread of awards, they’ve gained Best UGC (Gold, joint award with Mindshare) & Best Content Marketing (Silver) for his or her work on the Grameenphone Gaaner Khoje marketing campaign, Best Use of Instagram (Silver) for his or her work on the Grameenphone #mybangladesh marketing campaign, Best Video (Silver) for his or her work on the Grameenphone Love for Language marketing campaign, Best Use of Facebook (Silver) for his or her work on the Kansai Nerolac Paints DIY Kit marketing campaign, Best Integrated Digital Campaign (Bronze) & Best Social Campaign (Bronze) for his or her work on the Grameenphone Online Etiquette marketing campaign, Best Use of Facebook (Bronze) & Best UGC (Bronze) for his or her work on the Grameenphone Friendship Day marketing campaign and Best Use of PR in Digital Platform (Bronze) for his or her work on the USAID Growing with Bangladesh marketing campaign.  
Magnito Digital Ltd is the official digital company of Grameenphone and has been working with them since 2014. They have been working with Kansai Nerolac Paints and USAID for the final 2 years.
This yr’s Digital Marketing Award 2021: Bringing Digital at the Core, was held by the Bangladesh Brand Forum (BBF) in affiliation with The Business Standard and introduced by Meghna Group of Industries to acknowledge one of the best digital campaigns in Bangladesh for the years 2020-2021. Bangladesh Creative Forum (BCF) was the (*10*) Partner of the initiative. The Knowledge Partner for the occasion – Marketing Strategy of Bangladesh (MSB) and PR Partner- Backpage PR. 

https://www.tbsnews.internet/financial system/corporates/magnito-digital-bags-10-awards-digital-marketing-award-2021-348508

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About the Author: Amanda