YouTube trends & video marketing insights

YouTube trends & video marketing insights

Take, as an illustration, Shintu Maurya. The creator, who was featured in India’s Top Shorts of 2023, uploads sketches and art work impressed by trending music. The rise of such entertaining content material is why the common each day views of YouTube Shorts have grown by over 120% year-on-year in India.2 Gen Z is particularly eager on creating and watching quick kind movies, with 79% of Gen Z viewers in India saying they watch short-form video.3 That ease of watching and making has turned short-form video right into a medium the place movies usually exist in a dialogue with different content material. This is a world the place you and I might need seen the identical development, however by no means seen the identical movies.I point out this as a result of entrepreneurs have a tendency to consider a bit of inventive by means of a singular lens, when short-form content material needs to be thought-about with the broader context it sits inside. From filters, to hashtags, to audio, it may be useful to consider short-form as a dialog that entrepreneurs can take part in reasonably than a format that folks watch.I additionally suppose there’s rather more room for experimentation than folks understand. On platforms like YouTube, the place you will get a way of viewers response in actual time, you’ll rapidly discover out if one thing you created would not work. This offers you a chance to experiment, which suggests you’ll should be comfy with quickly evolving your inventive approaches.

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About the Author: Amanda