Zain hosted content marketing workshop – ARAB TIMES – KUWAIT NEWS

Zain hosted content marketing workshop – ARAB TIMES – KUWAIT NEWS

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Kuwait City, May 26: Zain hosted a particular workshop on content marketing at its Innovation Campus (ZINC), introduced by artistic author and creator Manaer Al Kandari. The session, joined by aspiring small enterprise house owners and content creators, geared toward fostering creativity and sharing tips about methods to greatest leverage social media platforms to efficiently promote SMEs.

The session is a continuation of a sequence of specialised workshops Zain hosts periodically to foster a tradition of creativity by leveraging on the limitless capabilities of expertise. Through such initiatives, the corporate hopes to empower people to make use of tech innovation to pursue their ardour for artwork and content creation, by bringing one of the best native specialists to share their insights and experience.

Al Kandari additionally defined methods to rigorously define and execute a complete marketing technique for each distinctive small enterprise, in addition to methods to create engaging content and use it as a key instrument to market services. In addition, she described the character of varied social media platforms, how they serve totally different audiences, and methods to leverage every platform’s strengths to greatest attain the audience.

Al Kandari additionally mentioned methods to define and execute a complete marketing technique tailor-made to every small enterprise. She emphasised the creation of engaging content as a key marketing instrument and described the character of varied social media platforms, their totally different audiences, and methods to leverage every platform’s strengths to succeed in the audience successfully.

The workshop was well-received by content creators, SME house owners, and inventive people, providing a mixture of theoretical and sensible approaches to reinforce attendees’ abilities and produce precious outcomes.

Zain fosters a tradition of creativity in the neighborhood by empowering gifted people to leverage expertise. The firm collaborates with native content creators to supply packages and classes that encourage the general public, particularly younger folks, to pursue their passions and develop their innovation, creativity, and expertise abilities.
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